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We are so grateful for the many people and groups who have believed in LoveLight’s mission and vision in the past, allowing us to accumulate some money which we can now put toward the purchase of a property to create STARCHILD, a model intergenerational child development and lifelong learning center and provide a permanent home for LoveLight. Following are the names of people who have contributed thus far in 2024.
Ron and Nancy Marhofer
Janette Habashi, Kent State alumna and previous volunteer
Dave and Terri Cardy
Gloria's Welcoming Hands
Lisbeth (Betsy) Justice in honor of Maurice Drake
Lisbeth (Betsy) Justice in honor of Robert L. Justice, Sr.
Southend Juneteenth Committee
Evie in honor of Uncle Mo
Maia in honor of Uncle Mo
Ezra in honor of Uncle Mo
Samir Holloway
Melanie Nuff
Bob Wilson
Unity Christian Fellowship, Fort Wayne, Indiana
Clis Stauffer
Judy Kirman
In Honor of Norman & JoAnn Stikes Sr.
The Jerry & Jenelle Feezel Family
Dr. Gretchen Espinetti, KSU Alum, Palm Coast, Florida
Don & Karen Barrett